’The Singles Wisdom Class starts on 23-09-2023. Get yourself prepared for marriage and make sure to Enroll!’

You’re just one click away from enrolling into, ‘ The Best Kingdom-Knowledge Wisdom Class for Godly Singles’.

Learn about the importance of your Singleness season and the why and how you should be preparing yourself while waiting for your future Godly spouse!

Being Single is not a curse, nor a way of punishment from God but rather a time for great selfreflection and inner pruning while waiting for that Godly spouse! “Did you know that marriage is the second most important choose you will ever make next to your Salvation?” Investing in yourself by enrolling into the Single Wisdom Class is therefore a big step in your preparation time!

This is what other people have to say, whom went before you:

“I didn’t know, how important it was to be well prepared for a Kingdom Marriage until I went trough the S&W class! This class provided so many Godly points and insights I never thought about previously. It has helped me focus in the right direction as a Christian in my Singleness season as well to ENJOY this phase of life! - Sonaiska

This is your time to invest in yourself and your future, enroll here for The Singles Wisdom Class!