Singles Wisdom Class Enrollment

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In Sept 2023 we will have our SINGLES WISDOM CLASS make sure you get your tickets

Dear Single,

If you’re like most Singles, then you’re probably enjoying your singles and working on yourself and your future already. That’s definitely a start! It is the beginning of getting yourself ready for your next season as it is in God’s will for you to be Married.

But there’s one huge, looming problem… Most Singles have misconceptions and confusions about the concept “The will of God, or their perfect match!’. Singles have doubts and questions and therefore are procrastinating in their preparation season, because they lack the Wisdom of actually knowing and understanding how to fully be prepared. Not even speaking on the time-consummation to be prepared in all the necessarily aspects by yourself!


You know what I’m talking, about right?

Being Single sometimes may look like an endless road of suffering in waiting, not knowing when you are actually truly ready to attract that right person! How do you even know who the right one is for you? Especially after having bad results of dating thus can be very unmotivated.


It’s enough to make you want to give u. But hold up – it doesn’t have to be that way…

Instead of doing it all by yourself, imagine if you were able to do it faster, easier and with better results. Would that interest you?


Here’s your answer: The Singles Wisdom Class – 5 weeks online course is the solution to become fully prepared for Marriage. Erasing your misconceptions and providing clear understand of ‘The Will of God and you’re The Perfect Match’.


Here Are 3 Good Reasons Why The Singles Wisdom Class Is The Best Way to rectify any misconceptions and confusions about the concept “The will of God, or your perfect match!’.


Reason 1: “This is the fastest way to get ready for a Godly marriage.”
In 6 weeks you will be guided through the 6 most important aspects to become ready. You will be guided in prayers, The Word, Teachings, Finances etc.

Reason 2: “This is the easiest way to get ready for a Godly marriage.”

In 6 weeks you will be provided all necessary pre-setup information on the 6 most important aspects to become ready for marriage.

Reason 3: “This online course produces awesome results.”

After 6 weeks you will be empowered, equipped and ready for your next season into Marriage!